Use These 3 SEO Predictions For 2017 To Increase Website Traffic

Help your company increase website traffic this New Year by considering the following three SEO predictions for 2017. Many take the “safe route” when discussing SEO predictions for the next year, such as “Mobile will take precedence.” Rather than...

January 13, 2017

The Most Expensive Google Keywords in the United States

Google is seemingly unstoppable. In 2016, the search engine giant has raked in over $70 billion so far, the majority of which is due to its successful advertising solutions.

September 22, 2016

Topical (SEO) Optimization Edging Out Keyword Optimization as the New Norm

What should the main goal of a business be? To increase sales? Expand the customer base? While these are both important goals, it’s more important for a business to become the expert or authority within its industry. Any business that wants to be...

January 03, 2016

How Google is changing Long Tail Search Efforts

We couldnt have said this better, so we didnt:-) Our friends at SEOMoz and Rand Fishkin have a great whiteboard video that explains it to the T!

October 24, 2013

Engaging Blog Posts Can Make Your Website Successful - Utilize Their Full Potential!

Writing high quality, engaging blog posts for your website is a great way to build your brand, improve your search engine rankings, and get recognized. However, we encounter small businesses on a regular basis that are under utilizing their blog and...

March 11, 2013

The Google Penguin Algorithm Update - How We Keep Our Clients Up To Date

As an SEO company, there is a huge responsibility for us to stay up-to-date with Google's algorithm updates. The latest Google update was the Google Penguin update, which has caused a lot of controversy in the SEO world. Many websites were impacted...

September 14, 2012

Scammers Target Restaurants in Online Reviews Extortion Scheme

Fox News's Claudia Cowan has a great right up on scammers targeting restaurants and threatening to leave bad reviews if they arent compensated in some way. This is not just an issue with restaurants but truly an issue all over the internet for all...

July 09, 2012

Extreme Towing & Recovery Customer Testimonial

April,2012 Randy Silver Towing Guru

April 02, 2012

Social Media Marketing

Is your business taking advantage of social media marketing? Are you using the free tools available to you online to become a part of this new marketing sensation?

Softline Solutions is officially launching a series of webinars that will cover...

October 17, 2009

Are you managing your online reputation or is it managing you?

Your company has experienced incredible growth over the last decade due to the incredible increase in connectivity and information sharing abilities of the internet. Your online sales have increased, your overall growth has increased, but at the...

June 30, 2008