Social Media Marketing

Rony M

socialmediaIs your business taking advantage of social media marketing? Are you using the free tools available to you online to become a part of this new marketing sensation?

Softline Solutions is officially launching a series of webinars that will cover topics that range from: What is Social Media? to How to use Twitter for Business. Our webinars are designed to be an informational as possible. Rather than spending time sharing what we can do for you we focus on training our listeners to be able to handle social media for themselves.

Our first free webinar is on October 21st at 11:30 a.m. PST covering the basics of why every business should be involved with Social Media Marketing. There are so many social networking outlets available today, and the trick is to know how to use them to create a community feel and generate business. REGISTER TODAY to attend one or all of the upcoming webinars.

Participation is easy!
1. Register
2. On October 21st at 11:30 PST click the link sent to you via e-mail
3. You will be able to hear and see the presentation right from your computer.

Our Upcoming Webinar Topics and Dates are:

Social Media Marketing...Answering the What's,Why's and Hows (October 21, 2009 11:30 am PST)

Have you ever wondered what the big deal is with Social Media Marketing? Social Media Marketing (SMM) is quickly becoming a vital part of every company's marketing strategy. In order to effectively utilize all of the Social Media tools that are found online today, it's important to know what SMM is, why your company should participate and how to get started. This webinar was designed to help educate you about what this new marketing sensation is and how to begin to best utilize it to bring more business your way.

How to Use Twitter For Business (November 18, 2009 11:30 am PST)

Twitter is a social networking site that has exploded over the past few years into a well oiled networking machine. There are literally millions of Twitter users all over the world who are using Twitter to not only promote their businesses, but to find the businesses that can meet their needs. Twitter is an incredible way to get your business on the map, find new clients, handle customer service and build your brand by becoming a part of a community. The trouble with Twitter is that you have to know the best way to use it. This webinar will give you an in depth look at this major social networking website and offer you a crash course in how to use Twitter to increase your customer base.

How to Use Facebook for Business (Decemer 16, 2009 11:30 am PST)

I thought Facebook was just for college kids! Facebook is another Social Networking site that is a great place to promote your business, build your brand, offer an additional place to handle customer service and increase your customer base. Just like Twitter, you have to know how to utilize all of the tools offered by Facebook to effectively promote your business. This webinar will take an in depth look at this major social networking website and offer you a crash course in how to use Facebook to increase your customer base.