Build Better Buyer Personas with Diverse Analytics

Whether you know it or not, your company makes inferences or predictions about customers all the time. We predict what types of messaging will work best on social media, what calls to action will incite a positive response in emails, and what PPC...

August 19, 2016

Social Media Advertising Tips

August 05, 2016

Topical (SEO) Optimization Edging Out Keyword Optimization as the New Norm

What should the main goal of a business be? To increase sales? Expand the customer base? While these are both important goals, it’s more important for a business to become the expert or authority within its industry. Any business that wants to be...

January 03, 2016

Why Your Company Needs a Strong Content Marketing Strategy

There is an old saying in online marketing: Content is king. That was true then and it is true today. Nothing is more important than the content that you put out there for people to see. Your content explains what people want and need to know about...

November 04, 2013