Getting the best out of your internet promotions with Local SEO combined with maps and Adwords

Rony M

Google-seoCompeting for a good page ranking is a majorly difficult thing and is seldom straightforward or easy. And the wider you spread your net the more competitive it gets.

Let us consider the case of a used car sales site. Should you type Used cars into a google search bar you will find that there are almost a billion listed sites selling used cars, whereas should you look for a steam balloon you will only about 20 million or so and in fact only the first page actually has steam balloons and by the time you get onto page 2 the sites are either for steam combined with engine or box or heating and for Balloons of all descriptions.

The essential point being that, if you were selling a steam balloon, it would take very little effort to get on page 1 and stay there for the entire globe. Whereas a guy selling a used car has potentially a billion others also competing for places on page 1.

But niches are niches and if we look again at the Used Cars answer to our search query we are likely to see that the page is divided into 3. The top left hand section, with a slight pink background are sponsored ads and are for businesses selling used cars that are reasonably close to you.

Then on the right hand side is a column headed by small map with pin markers indicating used cars for sale close to you and should you click on one of those pins you will be taken to a larger full screen map giving indications of used car sites that have got themselves listed on Google Maps in your area. Below that are the Pay Per Click ads pertinent to used cars. The advertisers pay Google a set fee anytime anyone actually clicks through to their site irrespective of whether he purchase anything or not. This is obviously potentially the most expensive as one may get 1,000 visitors who stay for 10 seconds and then click on out.

BUT this is also potentially the most cost effective because if the key words are correct those who click into these sites are potential shoppers with their credit cards handy and ready to buy. Before embarking on a pay per click campaign therefore it is essential to get the landing site absolutely spot on as a visitor's attention and interest must be grabbed immediately. Statistics show that the average visit to a website is less than a minute. Within that time you have to grab their attention and show them that you have what they are looking for, and possibly they will stay and browse. It is then up to your site to sell the article they are looking for.

The main part of the page are of course the optimized sites in order. Those sites on the first few pages have worked very hard to get themselves there, especially in a large niche like Used Cars sales, or beverages or retail sales. But by working astutely with local SEO professionals you too can get your website there.

Softline Solutions are professionals when it comes to all aspects of these. Click on the link and see what they can do for you.