Content Creation - Ideas For Viral Content

Rony M

One thing that many webmasters and search engine optimization specialist typically struggle with is the creation of viral content. Viral content, like a viral video, is content that is so rich in information, or interesting or quality tone, that it makes its rounds around popular social networking websites, is linked to by blogs, and generally is seen as an interesting and unique piece of content. Content creation is vital for the success of any website, and creating viral content can be very difficult. However, if you take the following into consideration, viral content creation can be much easier, and much easier for the average webmaster to create.

Surveys Into Interactive Case Studies

One excellent idea for viral content creation is utilizing surveys, of your customers and coworkers, and turning them into interactive case studies about your industry. For instance, if you own a marketing company, you could ask individuals about how they utilize social networks to research products, and turn that into an interesting and informative news post. The idea is to create original content that others in your industry will find interesting, and then be prone to linking to. Of course, this can be easier said than done, but turning surveys into data is a unique way to create original content that cannot be found anywhere else.

Data Analysis Of Your Industry

Another excellent option is to provide unique data analysis of your industry. By analyzing overall trends within your industry, you can provide high quality data that cannot be found anywhere else. But, you have to make sure that your data analysis is wrapped up in the unique package that delivers the data in a way that is understandable, and creative. Of course, half of the battle is wrapping up the data that you analyze in an appealing way, and also making it attractive to your average reader. Good viral content is usually accompanied by good graphics work as well.


Infographics have become increasingly popular in recent years, because they make it easy for webmasters to wrap up complicated subjects in a visual manner. Roughly half of the population learns better when they are presented facts visually, as opposed to in written form. This is one of the reasons why infographics have become increasingly common. They also allow you to design a presentation that helps to draw attention to important facts, and is appealing to the eyes. Infographics typically are shared around the web, and may or may not link back to your website. While they are a quality form of promotion, you want to make sure to include the URL to your website at the bottom and top of the infographics, so that people know where the original source of the information came from.

Creating viral content is tough, and requires creativity and passion for the subject at hand. With a unique idea, and great execution, you can create high-quality content that is shared around websites within your industry. By wrapping up complicated subjects and data and a unique and appealing package, you can gain an advantage on your competition while asserting yourself as an expert within your industry.