The greatest frustration for most people is figuring out what to write about. Obviously it is easy to write up a blog if you are familiar with the topic and especially if you are passionate about it. The challenge with business blogging is that people get caught up thinking they are supposed to be blogging about their company on a regular basis. There was a very popular book out a while ago called "He's Just Not That Into You"...apply this to you company. The fact is that most people are just not that into your business and what's happening. So why would I tell you to start a business blog? Because you are not going to blog about your business all the time! Remember that social media is all about building relationships and you cannot do that if you are always talking about yourself. Overall you can spend a little time talking about what you have going on, but be sure to share the focus.
Some Topics You can Write About:
Your Company
Firstly, keep in mind that in most blogs you can set up categories. One or more of those categories will certainly have to do with your business. When your company runs promotions or introduces something new or reaches a new milestone (you get the picture...big news) then blog about it and categorize it in the categories you created.
Industry News
Inevitably you have competition and there are things happening in your industry that will interest others. I am not saying to write a glorious article about your competitors, but if there are things happening in your industries that effect the companies or their patrons, keep your readers up to date. For example, if you sell children's toys you could blog about recent recalls, new toy technology, etc.
Are You Local--What's Happening?
If you are a local company, keep the community up to date on your blog regarding any community events, such as festivals or job fairs. Remember, with a blog you want your topics to be interesting enough that people come to your blog...are so impressed by it that they click to your site...realize they NEED your services and become a loyal customer!
That's So Funny!
Funny videos receive a lot of traffic and if tagged correctly and can drive a lot of traffic your way. If you find a funny video on You Tube, especially one that is already going viral, post it on your blog...tag it with the right key words and see some new spikes in traffic to your website.
Contests, Promos and Free Stuff
If you hear about companies (not your competitor's of course) that are giving away useful materials or software, offering opportunities to participate in contests, etc. Blog about it. If you become a source of giveaway's and contest notices you will increase your traffic and find opportunities to create new clients.
These are just a few useful ideas for getting started with your blog. Be sure to attend our Free Live Webinar on March 18th to learn how to make the topics you write on your blog really work hard for you.