Delta/Northwest merger means American and JetBlue had best manage their online reputation with fervor

"Americas premier global airline."

With the announcement of the confirmed Delta/Northwest merger the competition needs to surpass them online in order to maintain market share when this giant comes to life. No longer will an airline endure the...

April 22, 2008

Obamas team utilizes Search Engine Reputation Management

April 15, 2008

CNN: Presidential Candidates Reputation on the line ?

Just noticed a special investigation on CNN as I was walking through our building?s lobby and it appears the presidential candidates are finally entering the realm of Reputation Management. Well more like disaster control since I assume they never...

April 11, 2008

Starbucks - Experimenting with Reputation Management

There was an interesting article on Yahoo! news yesterday about how Starbucks launched a website to get feedback from its customers to improve the overall customer experience. While most people saw this as just another marketing gimmick I see it as...

April 09, 2008

Welcome to Softline


March 17, 2008