3 Tips to Improve Mobile Advertising on Bing


ppc management

Google is often the main focus for mobile advertising efforts, a fact that is not exactly shocking. Not only is the search engine juggernaut the most popular option of its kind, but it is also heavily used by young, tech-savvy consumers who know a thing or five about smartphones. In comparison, Bing is favorited by those age 34 to 54. Before dismissing Bing when creating your next mobile advertising campaign, consider how many people out of the 34 to 54 crowd own smartphones. These consumers spend an average of 108 minutes on their mobile devices every day, so it a good idea to capture their attention with your mobile ads.

So, how do you go about this, exactly? Use the following tips:

Detailed Bidding Strategy

Create and use Automated Rules to launch your Bing mobile advertising campaign. Doing so allows you to modify your ad group and keyword bids automatically in light of set conditions and frequencies, such as every day, every week, or every month. This tactic makes it easier to respond to changes, such as increasing your bid on a certain competitive keyword, getting rid of poor-performing ads, and ensuring your ads remain at the top of Bing’s first page. Bid on the top-of-the-page position as often as you can to increase the chances of your ads getting noticed and clicked on. Top-of-the-page ads tend to get far more clicks than sidebar ads, according to recent research.

Customized Messages

Use mobile searches to create highly customized ads. For example, if you’re running an ad that encourages consumers to call rather than message your company through the website, use wording such as “Call now” and “Schedule a Visit.” This wording is ideal for consumers on the go. Write short, on-point, engaging messages for mobile ads since devices often cut ad copy due to smaller screens.

Additionally, you should be sure to utilize call extensions. These extensions are click-tastic phone numbers that crop up in mobile searches and make it easy for consumers to skip over small screen websites on their mobile devices and call you.

Geo-Targeting Fun

Do not forget about geo-targeting, since it makes finding your business easier for consumers. Optimize your mobile PPC campaign to include geo-targeting so customers know why targeting your store is the ideal. The process allows you to target as little as a quarter-mile radius around your competition or your own establishment. Nice, right?

BingAds are quickly catching up to Google AdWords in terms of mobile opportunities. Help different sections of your target audience find you by taking advantage of what each has to offer.