Search Engine Marketing News- Softline Solutions

4 Marketing Strategies We Can Learn From Ad Agency Websites

Written by Arpa S | Nov 30, 2017 3:34:10 PM

The best ad agency websites not only offer a wide variety of marketing services, they function as learning tools. Such websites provide numerous marketing strategies if you know where to look, and subsequently serve as wonderful inspiration for your own advertising campaigns. Here are four marketing strategies from ad agency websites you can put to good use.

1) More Images, Less Text

The websites in the ad agency pantheon generally feature more images than they do text. Less is more when it comes to many things, and the advertising world is no exception. Clean, high-resolution imagery on your website is a great way to be rewarded by Google and capture your target audience’s attention. Humans are highly-visual creatures, so an eye-catching image or two on your homepage is an excellent way to hold your audience’s interest. A homepage littered with too much text looks cluttered and can easily mean no return visits. Apply the same formula to your social media marketing platforms as well, instead of making your consumers read line after line of text.

2) The Mobile Optimization Factor

All ad agency websites worth their weight in advertising salt are optimized for mobile devices. They make it easy for their audiences to view their sites anywhere, anytime so no one feels frustrated trying to read tiny text or waiting seemingly forever for a page to load on a smartphone or tablet. One of the best things you can do for your advertising efforts is to make your site mobile-friendly so more people find out about your products and services (and why they are awesome) whenever and wherever they want.

3) Landing Pages & Social Media Help

Successful ad agency websites feature plenty of links that lead to said websites. Their creators make great use of social media and write helpful landing pages that encourage consumers to click on their websites and learn more about what they offer. Strategic email marketing is usually involved, too, so people have another way to learn about the site, sign up for special offers and exclusive discounts, and otherwise stay up to date on what the company provides. The result of all of these things is an advertising melting pot that leads back to the website.

4) Useful Information

Want another marketing strategy the best ad agencies use? They ensure their websites feature information their target audience really needs. Videos are generally the go-to for such information, whether in tutorial or another helpful format. Again, humans are extremely visual and often prefer to watch a video on a website instead of reading endless lines of text. A website that provides value to the visitor is always one that wins over its less-than-stupendous counterpart. Keep this in mind as you build your site--you do not want it or your social media pages to come off as one giant advertisement. Your audience wants to know you care about them and making their lives better.

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